We uphold that no Man requires a course of outside
learning to become one with the essence of the true Magickian within.
Magick is the applied technique of understanding
manifesting the True
This is truly accomplished by individual
and personal means appropriate to each individual.
The answers to all lie within.
However it may be the desire of some
to have these guidelines for whatever
personal reasoning.
Hence we include herein the
knowledge concerning the traditional grades of organized
Magickal training.
Magick is a school of thought
and can incorporate degress relevant
to the level of learning and progression into the Magickal realm,
of the individual adept.
Herein lies the levels of advancement within a gradation
system thought to have been the original grades as employed by the great schools of Magick.
Again it is our belief that this
Not A Magickian Make*,
and so we supply it for your own use as you see
This system has been employed for many centuries,
and no doubt will continue to be the way of many
Great Magickal Traditions,
although the P.L.H.P. shall always maintain that
NO system
other than that personal journey into the
mystery of Life
is ever required to become fully aligned
with the Aura of True Magick.