It is through an act of self-cognition in which
the individual looks within to see the Balance of
positive and negative energies.
The Magickian makes a careful analysis of his persoanl
his strengths and weaknesses.
He must endeavour to employ impartial judgement
while doing so.
Once he has ascertained this knowledge,
it is his goal to maintain the Balance within and
utilize these energies to visualize and manifest the life he requires.
In order to acheive this ability,
one must strengthen the will power and master mental
The human mind is self indulgent to a fault and
often refuses to acknowledge it's own weak points.
It is cruciale to be able to do so as to prepare
the will to
accept it's desires and bring them into existence.
"Man, know thyself", states the Magick Dictum,
such is exactly the goal of the Magickian.
As one comes to terms with what internal work needs
to be done in order to harness the energies to successfully preform great Magickal rites,
the practitioner of Magick comes into complete indentification
with all the natural forces that surround him.
The Magickian follows the traditional observance
of Nature to utilize and harness this force to his own advantage while always respecting the Cosmic Laws of the Universe and
how they shall serve him best.
The serious student of Magick is rightfully well
versed in both the physical and biological sciences.
Even the primitive Magickian was in tune
with such matters.
Though lacking the scientific intellect
of his more sophisticated peers,
it has always been of total credibility that
is but
Man in harmony with the undisputable
Cosmic Laws of Nature and the Universe.
The Magickal Personality is one that recognizes,
accepts and merges with these energies to manifest a desired situation
in reality.