Magick is the
innate ability inheirent in all Mankind to not only visualize his desires but manifest them as he sees fit upon
this plane
of existence.
It is the discovery of the true Will
and that which it requires to complete the Self that brings about one's desires.
With the understanding of the power
of visualisation and the ability to manifest
that which is necessary for
individual experience,
may it be said that all may
be attained through the use of Magick.
That is not to say all rites
shall come to pass if they are not in harmony with what the true Will desires.
As well it is crucial to study the
factor of probability when preforming
Magickal workings.
Magick is not to be
taken lightly as it is very entailed and worthy of intense study as we have all but lost our understanding of it's presence
within our deepest
instinctual tendencies.
If in fact the Magickian
is prone to failure it is either a case of his Will not having been strong enough,
or the realm of possibility
is far too fetched to come into being.
Magick works
in harmony with the Universe.
Magick will empower
one to reach
the unattainable,
but only with true alignment
with Self
and deep respect for the workings
the natural Laws of the Universe.
Thus it is crucial to clearly
visualize all your desires in the real world,
yet better expressed as
the world of possibility,
and Learn through self experience
to listen
to the inner being .
Through Will and commitment
you shall
come to understand
how to apply the demands you
may have in synchronicity of the
Laws of the Universe
in the effort to attain one's goal
all matters necessary.
It is through complete
self-understanding that Magick is fueled.
Where religion abides to take
this power
from you,
Magick will only
encourage you to become ever stronger,
ever more the King of the
Lesser Beasts.
The Credo of the Magickian
is as such:
To Know
To Will
To Dare
To keep Silent
All matters of progression are
of personal nature and have no place in the advancement of anyone other than yourself.
It is with this in mind that the great
Magick Dictum
figures accordingly.
"Man Know Thyself!"
Hence, to know thyself is to know
therefor all miracles become
possible by the Magick or Will of Man.